What was something you learned about the science of water quality in the Salton ...
What were some ways that you learned about science through this program? e.g. pr...
What about the water quality in the Salton Sea do you want to share more widely ...
From your perspective, what was most valuable about the community science progra...
What changes would you like to see as this community science program moves forwa...
What does scientific data help us to see about the Salton Sea and surrounding co...
What are the limits to scientific data?
What does community science help us to see about the Salton Sea that is differen...
What are the limits of community science?
What beyond science and community science is needed for climate resilience and e...
From: Mecca
Question:What was something you learned about the science of water quality in the Salton Sea?
Answer: I learned a lot such as diluting samples, testing for phosphate and nitrate, communicate information, work in a team, and many more